State Government

The procurement platform that’s trusted by almost every state and territory in Australia. Big enough to know what the government needs, and agile enough to deliver when you need it.

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State government

Over many years, VendorPanel has built a trusted position with government departments and agencies across Australia. We have shown that we can mobilise quickly while providing the deep functionality that complex government organisations need.

Our platform helps you support your social procurement and local economic development goals, empowering both your buyers and whole communities.

From source-to-contract, VendorPanel makes sure your buyers stay supported and compliant through their procurement journey.

Policy Guide

Determining the best procurement processes in a state-wide, decentralised purchasing environment can be a challenge. VendorPanel can ensure buyers are using the right processes every time with our powerful Policy Guide module. Complex sourcing environments present a high risk if staff are not clear on the step-by-step process required for a given approach to market activity, and this can lead to excess spending, lost time and probity risk. VendorPanel’s configurable Policy Guide tool makes the complex simple so that your buyers are informed, supported and efficient.

More about Policy Guide


Whether you are sourcing for arts centres or zoos, running the right sourcing process with the right supplier base is what will get you the best outcome from your organisation’s procurement activity. VendorPanel was built to give visibility and control over the highly decentralised model that is typical of government procurement. Easy-to-use templates help buyers to follow policy and make informed decisions, while quotes and data are held centrally, allowing procurement to manage probity and gain insights that drive continuous procurement.

More about Sourcing

Procurement Planning

VendorPanel’s powerful planning tool ensures your distributed teams follow procurement processes that are appropriate for the budget and risk level of the sourcing event, with consistency and transparency. The platform provides features such as risk assessment tools, timeline builders and integrated guided buying to assist all buyers in following required processes. State Governments and their agencies need scaleable, easy to implement solutions, which is where VendorPanel can help.

More about Procurement Planning

Contract Management

With negotiations, milestones and key dates in so many places, contract management is an integral part of best-practice procurement. VendorPanel integrates with leading contract management solutions, making the transfer of sourcing data to contract efficient and error-free. From there, automation ensures you stay on top of contract approvals, compliance and renewals, helping reduce risk, save time and improve efficiency within your department or agency.

More about Contract Management
Cenitex Logo livetrace white

Cenitex moves to centre-led procurement model with integrated SaaS platform

Read the Cenitex Story

The numbers speak for themselves

cost savings
time savings per RFx
system uptime

We work with

Vic gov block
Parks vic block
Dmirs block
Wa dept transport block
Nt gov block
Qld gov block
Phn block
Qld rail block
Major transport auth block
Landcom block
Sa gov block
Act gov