How To Ensure Procurement Policy Compliance

A practical guide to enabling easier procurement compliance in your organisation.

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How to Ensure Policy Compliance

How is your organisation set up when it comes to purchasing? Is there a centralised procurement function with clear policies in place, or can any employee act as a “buyer,” making purchases with company money on their own accord?

In this guide, we’ll cover some examples of, and reasons for, noncompliance, as well as techniques and tools you can use to drive procurement policy compliance within your organisation.

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    Key Takeaways

  • When decentralised purchasing is possible, serious thought needs to be given on how to ensure buyers outside of the procurement function comply with procurement policy.
  • When buyers adhere to procurement policies, the organisation benefits as a whole. Managing spend and procurement compliance leads to overall lower costs.
  • Procurement software ensures buyers can confidently go to market, understanding how to buy before the purchase is made with step-by-step instructions, which detail exactly what is needed based on what they’re buying.

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