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Adam Ipsen | 13 Apr 2022 | 2 min read
Top 10 Procurement Memes to Make You Laugh (And Cry Inside)

Looking for something to liven up your day? Slide that RFP to one side for a moment and check out these procurement and supply chain memes! We promise we won’t tell anyone.
1. When They Want to Skip the Red Tape Because It’s Urgent…
…Come on, we all know what’s going on here.
2. Some Procurement Staff Just Want to Watch the World Burn
You’ve got to get your kicks some way, right?
3. Go and Boil Your Bottoms, Son of a Silly Person!
Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!
4. You Don’t Need the Shiny Ball
No, bad buyer! Don’t make me get out the spray bottle.
5. Stop Being So Single-Minded!
You know reduced effort can equal savings, right?
6. Top Tier Thinking
“Let me roll up my sleeve so I can show you our preferred landscaping contractors…”
Seriously, folks, spreadsheets do not excel!
7. Why People *Really* Get into Procurement
They might not let you jump into a big pit of money, but you still get to throw around that cash!
8. Why Make It Easy?
Forgetting to mention critical requirements is a pro move, right?
9. Relational Contracting? Pfft…
Why help your supplier make sense of the contract when you can add an air of mystery to the whole thing?
10. And Now for A Supply Chain Meme…
It’s even better when you can’t get materials for the open orders, and they keep piling on!
We Hope You Had a Laugh!
Procurement can be a tough job, so it’s good to take a break every now and then. After all, nobody wants you to go crazy.
For software that makes non-procurement people make good procurement decisions, check out Vendorpanel.
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